As I do every Saturday for a few months now, we open the drawer of memories to present you a new GOLD SERIES, another chapter of this magnificent series where I select the best of the best of all these years! Today it’s the turn of this girl, a beautiful woman called Karina Torbellina with whom I had a brief but intense relationship. The girl didn’t know what I did for a living, she didn’t know anything about me, I met her in a bar in Madrid while I was having a drink with friends, we got on very well and decided to start a relationship. The problem is that little by little Karina began to show her true face, all the sweetness of the beginning… turned into constant reproaches and bad manners. When she discovered my project, she went wild. But instead of leaving me, she thought it would be a good idea to record a few scenes together. Many of the fucks we had in front of the cameras, I had to edit them because while we were fucking the girl wouldn’t stop complaining and we started to argue. That was a total hell that ended in the worst possible way. Soon, I will make a new video of What happened to? in which I will talk to you at length and in a relaxed way about this girl, giving you details of everything she did to me… but first, let’s enjoy how she fucked and how dirty she was in bed! ¡¡¡WHAT A TREMENDOUS WHIRLWIND!!!
My girlfriend was more toxic – Karina Torbellina
Karina Torbellina
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